Hello, My name is Lexter. This is the story when I found a wishing well in which a girl was sitting there. I asked- Why are you sitting here? Girl- I am a troubled soul. I refused to fuck my brother when he asked so. My brother who was a gifted person, cursed me that when I die, I will sit beside this well for eternity and I will only get free from this world if someone would dip a coin in this well and make a wish to leave all his relations and become a brother to a girl. Me: Can I make that wish? Girl: Smiling and rising, Will you do that for me?? Me: Ya why not!! Girl: Okay!! Just give me the name of the girl... Me: ADITI RAO HYADRI The girl started showing me pictures in thin air of girls with names Aditi Rao Hyadri. After 28 minutes I stopped her and said-"" YES THERE YOU GO!!! SHE'S THE ONE"" Girl: So I am going to ask you a few questions and If you answer them as my brother wanted to- You will be granted your wish and I will fi...