
Showing posts from 2019


The news of Khloe getting her wish from the King spread among the new brides like wildfire. Rest of the brides got so jealous that they all clubbed together and went to talk to their husband about the King's partial act.... But, Lexter had already anticipated this situation and offered his son a small army of his own and freedom to loot any village he wants as long as he simply kept repeating "Long live the King" in front of his brides..... And that is exactly what he DID. After getting disappointed by their husband, they had no option other than to come up with ways to please the King. So, all of them came together and went to Shriya for advice as she was the one who always remained close to the King as his servant and knew what were the King's deep desires for any woman. Shriya- "Don't go in alone" she said. Yes, Our GOD's cock, our Lord is too much to bear for one woman alone. Only King's handlers have the power to take our God alone. You...


After 6 months, with the help of Kareena, Lexter defeated the Kingdom of FANTASY and killed all members of royal family who used to rule in Kingdom of FANTASY except women. After 6 months, Disha gave birth to a son whose father was the Kingdom of MILF. Using Disha, Lexter slowly started blackmailing the King and made him a puppet in his hands. Tired of getting blackmailed, the King of Kingdom of MILF signed a treaty to give the throne to Lexter in exchange of a ton of money and other terms. Now, Lexter was the King of all three kingdoms. But, to rule the entire world, he couldn't be at all places at once. So, he desperately needed to hand over his responsibilities to his heir and then, enjoy the rest of his life. He then, tried a lot to get a son but, whenever he tried with a woman- She always gave him a girl. He used to keep the girl in his harem while banishing the mother so that she doesn't claim royal seat of queen with the woman who will bear him a son. After 1...