After 6 months, with the help of Kareena, Lexter defeated the Kingdom of FANTASY and killed all members of royal family who used to rule in Kingdom of FANTASY except women. After 6 months, Disha gave birth to a son whose father was the Kingdom of MILF. Using Disha, Lexter slowly started blackmailing the King and made him a puppet in his hands. Tired of getting blackmailed, the King of Kingdom of MILF signed a treaty to give the throne to Lexter in exchange of a ton of money and other terms.
Now, Lexter was the King of all three kingdoms. But, to rule the entire world, he couldn't be at all places at once. So, he desperately needed to hand over his responsibilities to his heir and then, enjoy the rest of his life. He then, tried a lot to get a son but, whenever he tried with a woman- She always gave him a girl.
He used to keep the girl in his harem while banishing the mother so that she doesn't claim royal seat of queen with the woman who will bear him a son.
After 10 years of constant trying he gave up. Till then, he was a father of a lot of daughters like:
1. Jacqueline Fernandez
2. Victoria Justice
3. Sameera Reddy
4. Amrita Arora
5. Anushka Sharma
6. Morena Baccarin
etc etc... So many that he couldn't even count anymore.
Once he was walking through his palace thinking about a rebellion that has been started by a combined efforts of previous Kings that he had overthrown when suddenly- He feels two soft slender arms wrapping him from behind.
He looks over his shoulder and sees his daughter "Morena Baccarin"
Morena: Daddy! Why are you so worried? What happened? (She keeps her arms around his father's neck and gently (but innocently) pushes her boobs on his back.
Lexter: Nothing my darling. Nothing for you to worry about. How is your class going? Are you learning a lot? You know that Daddy will be very angry if you are not learning properly whatever you are being taught.
Morena- Yes Daddy. I am learning a lot and trying my best. I even scored highest a few days back.
Lexter- Oh really! I am very proud of you. What subject are they teaching you now-a-days?
Morena- They were teaching us religion just now. They taught us how you are our God and that every command from your mouth is a duty for everyone to follow in this world. They also then taught us how to please you with our prayers and different rituals so that you can grant any of our wishes.
Lexter- Oh Really. Like what? (Lexter turns around and keeps his hands on his daughter's waist)
Morena- Like whenever a woman has to meet the God in person and she has a wish to ask God, she has to take God's head and put it into her boobs. After that, she has to clench God's hair and rub her boobs in his face. If God takes his tongue out and licks the woman's cleavage, her prayer is accepted and she can further ask God for a wish.
Lexter- So, do you have a wish today my sweet daughter?
Morena takes Lexter's head and pushes it on her boobs in the blue dress. (Lexter takes a deep breathe in her cleavage and she then starts moving Lexter's face all over her chest)
Lexter takes his tongue out and licks her chest fully. He then sticks his tongue in her deep cleavage and feels her boobs crushing his tongue from both sides.
Morena- Thanks Daddy, for allowing me to speak my wish.
Lexter- So what do you want?
Morena- I want to buy a palace like this daddy. I want one of my own where I am the queen. I know that God can only accept your wish if you give something in return. So, what do you want from your daughter, daddy? What can i give to get my wish?
Lexter- I just want to play with my daughter. Nothing else i want in life. By the way, where did you get this dress? You look so sexy in this dress.. I surely didn't buy you this dress. You look absolutely ravishing in this.
Morena- I bought it from a store from my own pocket money. I wanted to look good when i ask you my wish. Thank You my Lord. It matters a lot when your God complements you. So, what game do you want to play with me? I really want my wish to come true so, I will do anything to win in your game!
Lexter- Okay, my darling. We will play a game of hide and seek. You have to hide this coin (he holds the coin in his hand) anywhere in or on your body and I have to find it before the time runs out. If I win, no wish. If you win, I will grant your wish.
Morena- But, how will we know that out time is up?
Lexter- By this. (He takes his cock out in front of his daughter) If you can squeeze the cream out of it before i find the coin- You'll win. This will also be a test of how good you are doing in your seduction teaching class. I remember your teacher telling me that you were not doing so well in them a month ago.
Morena- Okay Daddy. Challenge accepted.
(She goes out for a couple of minutes to hide the coin on her body and comes back. Till then, Lexter was completely naked and his 12 inch monster was fully erect. Morena gasps at her father's dick and says- "Oh Daddy. This is so much bigger than what we normally use in class)
She comes closer to her father and asks- "So, shall we start?"
Lexter- As soon as you touch it, the time will start. (She instantly grabs his dick with both her hands and starts stroking it)
(Lexter then starts peeling his daughter with his eyes looking where to start searching for the coin. He then, takes his hands and slowly grazes them over her blue dress trying to feel for the coin from above her dress. He starts at her dress straps on her shoulder and slowly inserts his finger inside the strap while gently moving it down feeling every inch of her skin till he stops at her boobs.
He then takes his finger out and squeezes both his hands into her dress over her boobs. He pushes his entire palm in her dress and cups his both booobs tightly. He feels her nipples with his finger and instantly looks at her in her eye.
Lexter- Found it.
Morena- Thats not the coin daddy. That is my nipple. (She passes a slight smile at Lexter as she then, takes both her hands and puts them on his cock)
Lexter- (After probing her nipples for some time)- Oh! Right. That was confusing. He then, starts sliding his hands on the side of her dress and slowly caressing her slim body over his daughter's dress. Oh! Daughter- Where have you hidden the coin? Maybe it is in your mouth.
(He then puts his hand on the back of her neck and thrusts her mouth upon his. With the other hand, he starts squeezing her ass looking for the coin. Meanwhile, Morena keeps on stroking his cock at full speed with both her hands but she was not getting anywhere close)
(She then thought of a brilliant plan but she hesitated because there was risk in the plan. She decides to go through it anyways. Meanwhile Lexter was busy in kissing her daughter madly searching in her mouth for the coin with his tongue. He starts searching all corners of her mouth with his tongue and sometimes his tongue used to touch her hot soft tongue as well. They then started playing with their tongues)
Acting on her decision, she raises her dress and suddenly puts Lexter's dick at the entrance of her pussy. She looks at her father in the eye and then with her own hands forces it inside. It goes partially inside in one stroke.
Morena- Father, help me na please a little.
(Lexter gives the second stroke and enters his daughter's pussy completely. He then leaving the quest to search the coin- starts to fuck her daughter violently. He pushes her against a wall and lifts both her legs up and she then closes them around her father's waist)
Morena- Oh Daddy! Wow... Come on, push..push...push more.
Lexter- Oh Darling. You are so tight. But, what is this hitting me inside you? Feels like something hard is stuck in your pussy? What is that? It is not letting me go completely inside you. I want to go fully inside. What is that?
Morena- Oh Daddy. That is so that i don't get pregnant... Come on...Fuck me...Push it inside me more. I know you can push it inside. Just keep trying...
Lexter gets turned on by Morena's words and starts stroking more and more deeply in Morena's pussy. He starts hitting the barrier in her pussy hard and it starts shifting more and more inside with each stroke from Lexter's penis.
After about 15 minutes of continuous non-stop fucking, Lexter was about to cumm!
Lexter- Oh Daughter, i am about to cum. I can't take it out.
Morena- Oh my Lord! Come inside me, daddy. Spray your load inside my pussy, my dear Lord. You are my God and it would be my pleasure to have your cum inside me. You are my God first and then, my father. Come on Daddy...Come inside me...Come inside your daughter.
(Lexter maintains his speed and starts stroking more and more deep inside her pussy. And suddenly, he buries his face in her cleavage with her boobs crushing his face and he ejaculates in her pussy for continuous 2 minutes)
He keeps his cock inside her till it gets limp and then takes it out.
Morena smiles and says- So, now you have to grant my wish. (She inserts two fingers in her cum filled pussy and takes out the coin with Lexter's cum spread all over it). This is what you've been hitting in my pussy Daddy.
Let me know when my palace is ready!
Lexter was desperate for a boy who can inherit his Kingdom. He wanted to have a boy whom he can raise the way he always wanted his father to raise himself. Lexter started consulting various doctors on how to get a boy because for the past 10 Years, he was only getting girls.
A wise tantric told him- O King! "You need to place your seed in a woman of past. Someone who has seen the holocaust and someone who doesn't share your blood. But beware- She needs to eat your seed from someone else before taking it in her from you. Otherwise, the exercise will be wasted."
Lexter can only think of one woman who can carry this ritual. His stepmother- Sherlyn Chopra!
He calls her from Kingdom of MILF of which he had made her representative. Sherlyn arrives at Lexter's command in his Grand Palace. She gets stunned by the wealth that Lexter had created while she was trying to impose law and order in the new Kingdom.
(Lexter was sitting on a throne that was so high that noone could look up for more than 5 minutes without a pain in the neck. He welcomes her from his throne seated above in his courtroom.)
Lexter- Welcome Mother. Glad to hear everything is settling well in Kingdom of MILF. I hope the fresh batch of new soldiers must have helped smooth things.
Sherlyn- Yes my son! They were very helpful. I couldn't have done this without you my Lord. (She bows before Lexter and entire courtroom starts praising Lexter. Even though he had acquired the Kingdoms through tricks- Everyone knew, Lexter was a very able ruler and administrator with only one weekness!)
Lexter- Good! I have called you in a matter of utmost importance. (Lexter tells her the prophecy of the tantric and asks her whether she will be up for the task. At the same time, he calls in his mother Kim and asks her to sit beside him)
(Sherlyn knew that Kim was after her seat at the throne and Lexter getting her to sit beside him was his indication that if she doesn't comply- He will uproot her and give the throne to Kim. Kim was already the representative of Kingdom of FANTASY with Kareena. She was power hungry and wanted Sherlyn's kingdom too)
Sherlyn- My King! Can we speak in private about this?
Lexter- Sure Mom! He speaks aloud- "The courtroom is adjourned"
(In Lexter's private chambers)
Sherlyn- My son- How would we make me eat your cum from someone else? That is the most confusing part of the tantric's words.... Also, who would rule my Kingdom in my absence till i get this exercise completed?
Lexter- I will appoint Kim as an interim ruler. And as to your other question- I have thought of a solution- I will have someone else take my seed out of me and then give it to you by various mediums three times every day.
(Sherlyn unhappy that Kim was going to rule her Kingdom, gets upset in front of Lexter)
Lexter- Don't worry mom! You will get your Kingdom back when you give me my heir. Also, just to make you happy- I will also give you your own army unit that you can control without my orders. (Lexter knew that both his moms were hungry to get their own army and start using them to loot people off their money to fill their coffers)
Sherlyn gets a little relieved and asks further- Who is going to be the person who will give your seed to me everyday?
Lexter- That is going to be my old servant and your daughter- Shriya!
Sherlyn- Suddenly gets up from her seat in a little protest and says- O King! Please don't do this! That will scar Shriya for life! Please choose someone else....I can suggest from my Kingdom.
Lexter- (Exclaiming)- Your Kingdom?!!!!
Sherlyn- I mean, Your kingdom, my Lord.
Lexter- This is final. I will not hear another word. Say Yes or No. If No, I have no choice but to hand over your area to my mom Kim. But, if you are ready, we need to start this exercise today and right now. I have called Shriya and she is waiting outside.
Sherlyn thinks for a moment and then softly utters- "Okay, My Lord!"
Lexter claps his hands and Shriya enters the room.
Lexter- Lets get it started. Shriya- Come and open my robe!
(Shriya a little surprised by the sudden command- goes close to the King and takes her hair and pushes them to one side completely baring one of her shoulders in the pink dress. Lexter's robe jerks off with Shriya's this little action. Shriya smiles involuntarily and gently opens Lexter's robe's knot)
His 12 inch cock pops out and both Sherlyn and Shriya gasp with their breath. Shriya starts staring down at his huge cock with her hands still at her side.
Lexter- (Goes closer to her ear and whispers- "Ab Pakad bhi le isse, meri janeman"
Shriya puts her hands on the cock and his cock throbs violently at her touch. Suddenly, Lexter looks up at Sherlyn and says- Mom! You can't eat the cum directly from my cock but you can help your daughter. Come! Help her. Teach her!"
Sherlyn walks across the room and stands close to them. She puts her hands on her daughter's shoulders and pushes her down till she is on her knees and Lexter's cock touching her beautiful soft lips.
Sherlyn looks at her daughter and says- "Keep your mouth wide open and tongue out. When you feel his cock reach your throat- Try to swallow it like you swallow water. Even if it doesn't go- Keep trying to swallow it"
Saying this- She takes her daughter's hair and pushes her mouth on Lexter's cock. She rams her head on his cock while looking straight into the eyes of Lexter- This turns on Lexter immensely and he starts moving his cock inside Shriya's throat.
Sherlyn smiles seeing the King's expression as his cock was hitting the back of her daughter's throat.
Lexter- Sherlyn- Kya cheez hai tu. Aur kya cheez hai teri beti! Itni sahi se to kisi ne muh mein nahi liya aaj tak mera Lund. Isse keh na- Thoda chusse bhi to.... Lollipop hai... Nigalna hi nahi hai-- Iske maze bhi lene hai.
Sherlyn lets out a sly smile, goes to her daughter's ear and whispers something.
Suddenly, Shriya wraps her lips around Lexter's cock as she tried to swallow his cock continuously. Sherlyn keeps pushing her head from her back on Lexter's cock and Shriya keeps trying to swallow it with her throat jerk.
Lexter- Ah! Ah! AAAaaaaaahhh! Kya baat hai. Shriya- Kya muh hai tera- Kitna Garam-- Kitna soft. Thoda tongue ka bhi to use kar. He looks at Sherlyn and gives her an indication to teach her daughter how to use her tongue too.
Sherlyn- Shriya! Take your tongue out and press it between our King's cock and your lips. Roam it all around his shaft. Shake it vigorously on his cock. Swallow it more. You are not swallowing to your throat's full potential. My King!- Please take your cock out when you are about to cum. Remember, I have to eat it....
Lexter- Don't worry about that. I am almost about to cum anyways..... AAAaaaaaahhhh.......Shriya......Aur zor se chusss.....Aur zor se nigal mera Lund!
Shriyaaaaa! I am going to cum in your mouth. Mera nikalne wala hai tere muh mein. I don't want to swallow the cum. Keep it in your mouth.... I have something planned for Sherlyn to eat it in a better way.
Shriya- Oooo(muffled voice)kkkaaayy My Lord!
Lexter takes her hair in his wrists and pulls her face backwards. The cock was now half inside her mouth and Shiya was panting like a dog on his cock. He looks at Shriya's face and comes closer to her ear. As he bends, his cock again goes deep inside her throat and her eyes start to bulge due to the pressure.
Lexter- Squeeze your lips around my cock and jerk it vigorously with your mouth. Take your mother's hand and put it over my cock. Then, indicate her to jerk it with her hands. With your own hands- play with my balls! Touch them.... Squeeze them..... Scratch them with your long nails!
(He stands back up and Shriya starts following his orders. As she takes her mother's hand and keeps it over the cock- Sherlyn gets surprised and looks in Lexter's eyes)
Sherlyn- Oh Son! You need Mommy's touch?!
(Sherlyn then starts jerking his cock violently while Shriya keeps stroking it in and out of her mouth)
(After 10 minutes) Lexter- Ohhhh! Oh Mom! Oh Sis!....
Nikal gaya....Nikal gaya..... Peena mat... Muh mein rakhna hai....Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! Ye le.. Le..... Mmmmmmmmmmmhhh!
Lexter keeps cumming in Shriya's mouth for 2 minutes....
(Then, Lexter leans back on the desk behind and takes his cum dripping cock out from Shriya's mouth. Lexter then, sees it and points to Shriya to lick it clean. Shriya while keeping her cum filled mouth upright- Takes her lips and wipes off any cum left on Lexter's cock)
Lexter- Keep it in your mouth. Mix it well with your saliva. Use your tongue to stir it and mix it well. Don't even think of swallowing a single drop of it. It needs to go inside your mother. (Shriya nods at Lexter's command and her mouth starts getting bigger and bigger with all her saliva building up in her mouth with Lexter's cum)
(He then, starts tying his robe and moves out his chambers)
He sits at the dining table and both Shriya and Sherlyn also get seated at the table.
Lexter waits while the entire table gets filled by Kim, his daughters and other important people of his Kingdom. Till then, Shriya's mouth was about to explode with all the cum and saliva in her mouth. When everyone gets seated, Lexter stands up and raises his wine glass in a toast:
"To Sherlyn, my stepmom! The one who is going to give me my heir!"
Everyone: Hear! Hear! (Kim got super jealous and turns red with anger. Sherlyn enjoys Kim's reaction as she knew it would mean her immense power as she can control the future King of the entire world as her sexy mom, and that too a real one! She was already thinking of addicting him to her breast milk....)
Lexter comes out of his chair, in front of Shriya and keeps his wine glass in front of her. He then indicates her to empty her mouth in the wine glass. Shriya and Sherlyn instantly get aware what Lexter had in mind.
Everyone keeps looking shocked at Shriya's actions.
(Shriya empties the white, thick fluid of her saliva and Lexter's foul smelling cum in the wine glass. Lexter then takes the wine glass and keeps it in front of Sherlyn and says- "Here Mom! Drink from my wine glass... This is your dinner for today"
Sherlyn looks at Lexter and learn that he is damn serious. She holds the glass and keeps it with her plate. The servants then start serving everyone with the food on their plate while Sherlyn stares at the full glass filled with the thick white Lexter's cum.
Lexter- Lets begin eating!
Sherlyn- My King! My drink is a little heavy. Is it okay if i add some water to it?
Lexter- Oh Mom! Noo! You can't add water. But, i understand your concern. Wait. (Lexter then, collects all the saliva in his mouth and spits it in her wine glass. He then, mixes a little more wine in it and swirls the glass)
Lexter- There you go! Now bottoms up.
Oh, wait. (He takes out a pill and drops it in her glass)
Sherlyn- What was that pill my son?
Lexter- Oh, its something our scientists were working on for a long time. This pill restores the virginity of a woman. So that guys can enjoy a woman like a virgin again. You are the first to receive this pill. Lets test it out today, okay mom!
(Sherlyn gets scared but she couldn't do anything. She takes the wine glass and starts sipping his cum from the wine glass. Meanwhile, everyone at the table was just watching Sherlyn obey Lexter's commands and eat his cum so passionately and like a good obedient mother)
Suddenly, one of his daughters shout from the other end of the table- "I also want that Daddy!"
(Suddenly Lexter gets startled and aroused at the same time. He looks at the woman speaking in the innocent tone and sees it to be Sameera Reddy)
Lexter- Oh my daughter Sameera, you can't have it. You have to grow up to be able to drink it from your father's hose. It is not available anywhere else.
Sameera- But, I want it. I won't eat anything until i get what Sherlyn mom is drinking!
Lexter- (Thinks for a moment while everyone at the table silently watches the King making the decision as to whether to give Sameera what she wants) Then, he says- Well, you can't have your stepmom's glass. But, if you work hard, you might be able to get fresh new from here (he points at his cock)
Sameera- What is there?
Lexter- Come here and look. But, come from under the table. So that everyone else can keep enjoying their dinner and are not disturbed. Everyone- Keep eating while i satisfy the needs of my daughter. (Everyone keeps silent and starts eating their food)
(Sameera starts crawling under the table and reaches Lexter's lap. She looks at him from below the table and asks- Daddy! What is there? Where will i get what Mommy is drinking?)
Lexter- Wait my darling. (He opens his robe again and his half limp dick comes out at her face. This is the tool that you have to work on. You have to make it big and take the cum out of it to drink it fresh)
Sameera- She innocently grabs it suddenly and Lexter gets a jolting sensation. His cock gives out a giant throb and Sameera feels it. She looks at her father and Lexter indicates her to focus on it. He then goes back to eating his dinner.
(She being clueless, licks the top of his cock just for checking out what it is. The tip still had some cum left over from Shriya's work. She takes the tip of her tongue and takes out the last drop of cum sticking at the top of Lexter's cock. His cock again gives a jolt and he closes his eyes for a moment. Everyone watches him squirm in his chair but silently, keep eating their dinner)
Sameera likes the taste of his cum and she then, takes the entire cock in to squeeze it out of the cock. Lexter lets out a loud moan and says aloud- Aur zor se! Maza aa gaya Sameera! Kya muh hai..... Kitni zor se chuss liya...
Sameera takes it that her father is enjoying her mouth and says- Oh Daddy...Do you like when i put it in my mouth? Do you like when your daughter puts your cock in her mouth? (She just says that because she read that in a book in her school)
Lexter- Yes Sameera! Put it in. Don't take it out. Play with it as you like.
Sameera- Yayyy! Like a Toy! Does it move? She then, keeps her fingers around his cock and moves it up and down vigorously like trying to move a new toy! The cock skin slides up and down smoothly which amazes Sameera even more.
Lexter- (Keeps his calm and starts eating dinner and suddenly he has an idea)
He looks at her teacher Niiri Arore who was sitting at the farther end of the table and says- Well, Ms Teacher- As you haven't taught my daughter anything- Why don't you come here and help her.... I don't even know why i am paying you so much when they don't even know how to play with their King's cock!
Niiri -I am sorry, My Lord! Abhi aati hu. She comes over there and as soon as she reaches near King- Lexter takes her hand and makes her sit on his chair's arm with her back facing him. He then, stares at her bare back skin for a moment and takes a bite of his food from his plate.
Niiri- Oh My Lord! I am so sorry. I will teach better in future.
Lexter- Shut Up! Sameera- Take it in your mouth beta... Enough playing with hands... (Hearing Daddy's commands, Sameera takes it in her mouth and starts trying to swallow it. Meanwhile, Lexter takes his hand and starts squeezing her milky bare back over her blouse string and strap)
Now i remember, why i kept you as my daughters' teacher. But, maybe you require a fresh instruction on what to teach my daughters. Just look at Sameera- She doesn't even know how to handle her God's cock. If she is not able to provide for her father- What is your use? (He then, starts playing with the blouse knot of her saree)
(Kim looks at Sherlyn and indicates her to say something. Meanwhile, all the males at the table were just trying to look at Niiri and Sameera's show from the corner of their eyes while keep focussing on eating their food as they didn't have the guts to look at the King)
Lexter- Ah.... Aaaaahhhh! Aaaahhh.... Sameera.... Aaaah Sameera.....Aur zor se....Aur zor se....Thoda aur andar lo... Aur jab andar le rahi ho---To thodi der tak andar hi rakho.... Jab tak saans aana band na ho jaaye-- Tabhi milega Daddy's cum!
Sameera (taking it out)- Daddy! What is cum?
Lexter squeezes Niiri's bulging waistline hard and says- See- Because you didn't teach her that- I have to speak dirty to my daughter. Now that i am doing your job- You have to do mine. Tell me- Who should i hire for my new Minister of Sex Trade position? All the candidates are sitting here. Show me your choice by sitting in the lap of your chosen candidate.
Abhi- Yes, my King!
Now, Lexter was the King of all three kingdoms. But, to rule the entire world, he couldn't be at all places at once. So, he desperately needed to hand over his responsibilities to his heir and then, enjoy the rest of his life. He then, tried a lot to get a son but, whenever he tried with a woman- She always gave him a girl.
He used to keep the girl in his harem while banishing the mother so that she doesn't claim royal seat of queen with the woman who will bear him a son.
After 10 years of constant trying he gave up. Till then, he was a father of a lot of daughters like:
1. Jacqueline Fernandez
2. Victoria Justice
3. Sameera Reddy
4. Amrita Arora
5. Anushka Sharma
6. Morena Baccarin
etc etc... So many that he couldn't even count anymore.
Once he was walking through his palace thinking about a rebellion that has been started by a combined efforts of previous Kings that he had overthrown when suddenly- He feels two soft slender arms wrapping him from behind.
He looks over his shoulder and sees his daughter "Morena Baccarin"
Morena: Daddy! Why are you so worried? What happened? (She keeps her arms around his father's neck and gently (but innocently) pushes her boobs on his back.
Lexter: Nothing my darling. Nothing for you to worry about. How is your class going? Are you learning a lot? You know that Daddy will be very angry if you are not learning properly whatever you are being taught.
Morena- Yes Daddy. I am learning a lot and trying my best. I even scored highest a few days back.
Lexter- Oh really! I am very proud of you. What subject are they teaching you now-a-days?
Morena- They were teaching us religion just now. They taught us how you are our God and that every command from your mouth is a duty for everyone to follow in this world. They also then taught us how to please you with our prayers and different rituals so that you can grant any of our wishes.
Lexter- Oh Really. Like what? (Lexter turns around and keeps his hands on his daughter's waist)
Morena- Like whenever a woman has to meet the God in person and she has a wish to ask God, she has to take God's head and put it into her boobs. After that, she has to clench God's hair and rub her boobs in his face. If God takes his tongue out and licks the woman's cleavage, her prayer is accepted and she can further ask God for a wish.
Lexter- So, do you have a wish today my sweet daughter?
Morena takes Lexter's head and pushes it on her boobs in the blue dress. (Lexter takes a deep breathe in her cleavage and she then starts moving Lexter's face all over her chest)
Lexter takes his tongue out and licks her chest fully. He then sticks his tongue in her deep cleavage and feels her boobs crushing his tongue from both sides.
Morena- Thanks Daddy, for allowing me to speak my wish.
Lexter- So what do you want?
Morena- I want to buy a palace like this daddy. I want one of my own where I am the queen. I know that God can only accept your wish if you give something in return. So, what do you want from your daughter, daddy? What can i give to get my wish?
Lexter- I just want to play with my daughter. Nothing else i want in life. By the way, where did you get this dress? You look so sexy in this dress.. I surely didn't buy you this dress. You look absolutely ravishing in this.
Morena- I bought it from a store from my own pocket money. I wanted to look good when i ask you my wish. Thank You my Lord. It matters a lot when your God complements you. So, what game do you want to play with me? I really want my wish to come true so, I will do anything to win in your game!
Lexter- Okay, my darling. We will play a game of hide and seek. You have to hide this coin (he holds the coin in his hand) anywhere in or on your body and I have to find it before the time runs out. If I win, no wish. If you win, I will grant your wish.
Morena- But, how will we know that out time is up?
Lexter- By this. (He takes his cock out in front of his daughter) If you can squeeze the cream out of it before i find the coin- You'll win. This will also be a test of how good you are doing in your seduction teaching class. I remember your teacher telling me that you were not doing so well in them a month ago.
Morena- Okay Daddy. Challenge accepted.
(She goes out for a couple of minutes to hide the coin on her body and comes back. Till then, Lexter was completely naked and his 12 inch monster was fully erect. Morena gasps at her father's dick and says- "Oh Daddy. This is so much bigger than what we normally use in class)
She comes closer to her father and asks- "So, shall we start?"
Lexter- As soon as you touch it, the time will start. (She instantly grabs his dick with both her hands and starts stroking it)
(Lexter then starts peeling his daughter with his eyes looking where to start searching for the coin. He then, takes his hands and slowly grazes them over her blue dress trying to feel for the coin from above her dress. He starts at her dress straps on her shoulder and slowly inserts his finger inside the strap while gently moving it down feeling every inch of her skin till he stops at her boobs.
He then takes his finger out and squeezes both his hands into her dress over her boobs. He pushes his entire palm in her dress and cups his both booobs tightly. He feels her nipples with his finger and instantly looks at her in her eye.
Lexter- Found it.
Morena- Thats not the coin daddy. That is my nipple. (She passes a slight smile at Lexter as she then, takes both her hands and puts them on his cock)
Lexter- (After probing her nipples for some time)- Oh! Right. That was confusing. He then, starts sliding his hands on the side of her dress and slowly caressing her slim body over his daughter's dress. Oh! Daughter- Where have you hidden the coin? Maybe it is in your mouth.
(He then puts his hand on the back of her neck and thrusts her mouth upon his. With the other hand, he starts squeezing her ass looking for the coin. Meanwhile, Morena keeps on stroking his cock at full speed with both her hands but she was not getting anywhere close)
(She then thought of a brilliant plan but she hesitated because there was risk in the plan. She decides to go through it anyways. Meanwhile Lexter was busy in kissing her daughter madly searching in her mouth for the coin with his tongue. He starts searching all corners of her mouth with his tongue and sometimes his tongue used to touch her hot soft tongue as well. They then started playing with their tongues)
Acting on her decision, she raises her dress and suddenly puts Lexter's dick at the entrance of her pussy. She looks at her father in the eye and then with her own hands forces it inside. It goes partially inside in one stroke.
Morena- Father, help me na please a little.
(Lexter gives the second stroke and enters his daughter's pussy completely. He then leaving the quest to search the coin- starts to fuck her daughter violently. He pushes her against a wall and lifts both her legs up and she then closes them around her father's waist)
Morena- Oh Daddy! Wow... Come on, push..push...push more.
Lexter- Oh Darling. You are so tight. But, what is this hitting me inside you? Feels like something hard is stuck in your pussy? What is that? It is not letting me go completely inside you. I want to go fully inside. What is that?
Morena- Oh Daddy. That is so that i don't get pregnant... Come on...Fuck me...Push it inside me more. I know you can push it inside. Just keep trying...
Lexter gets turned on by Morena's words and starts stroking more and more deeply in Morena's pussy. He starts hitting the barrier in her pussy hard and it starts shifting more and more inside with each stroke from Lexter's penis.
After about 15 minutes of continuous non-stop fucking, Lexter was about to cumm!
Lexter- Oh Daughter, i am about to cum. I can't take it out.
Morena- Oh my Lord! Come inside me, daddy. Spray your load inside my pussy, my dear Lord. You are my God and it would be my pleasure to have your cum inside me. You are my God first and then, my father. Come on Daddy...Come inside me...Come inside your daughter.
(Lexter maintains his speed and starts stroking more and more deep inside her pussy. And suddenly, he buries his face in her cleavage with her boobs crushing his face and he ejaculates in her pussy for continuous 2 minutes)
He keeps his cock inside her till it gets limp and then takes it out.
Morena smiles and says- So, now you have to grant my wish. (She inserts two fingers in her cum filled pussy and takes out the coin with Lexter's cum spread all over it). This is what you've been hitting in my pussy Daddy.
Let me know when my palace is ready!
Lexter was desperate for a boy who can inherit his Kingdom. He wanted to have a boy whom he can raise the way he always wanted his father to raise himself. Lexter started consulting various doctors on how to get a boy because for the past 10 Years, he was only getting girls.
A wise tantric told him- O King! "You need to place your seed in a woman of past. Someone who has seen the holocaust and someone who doesn't share your blood. But beware- She needs to eat your seed from someone else before taking it in her from you. Otherwise, the exercise will be wasted."
Lexter can only think of one woman who can carry this ritual. His stepmother- Sherlyn Chopra!
He calls her from Kingdom of MILF of which he had made her representative. Sherlyn arrives at Lexter's command in his Grand Palace. She gets stunned by the wealth that Lexter had created while she was trying to impose law and order in the new Kingdom.
(Lexter was sitting on a throne that was so high that noone could look up for more than 5 minutes without a pain in the neck. He welcomes her from his throne seated above in his courtroom.)
Lexter- Welcome Mother. Glad to hear everything is settling well in Kingdom of MILF. I hope the fresh batch of new soldiers must have helped smooth things.
Sherlyn- Yes my son! They were very helpful. I couldn't have done this without you my Lord. (She bows before Lexter and entire courtroom starts praising Lexter. Even though he had acquired the Kingdoms through tricks- Everyone knew, Lexter was a very able ruler and administrator with only one weekness!)
Lexter- Good! I have called you in a matter of utmost importance. (Lexter tells her the prophecy of the tantric and asks her whether she will be up for the task. At the same time, he calls in his mother Kim and asks her to sit beside him)
(Sherlyn knew that Kim was after her seat at the throne and Lexter getting her to sit beside him was his indication that if she doesn't comply- He will uproot her and give the throne to Kim. Kim was already the representative of Kingdom of FANTASY with Kareena. She was power hungry and wanted Sherlyn's kingdom too)
Sherlyn- My King! Can we speak in private about this?
Lexter- Sure Mom! He speaks aloud- "The courtroom is adjourned"
(In Lexter's private chambers)
Sherlyn- My son- How would we make me eat your cum from someone else? That is the most confusing part of the tantric's words.... Also, who would rule my Kingdom in my absence till i get this exercise completed?
Lexter- I will appoint Kim as an interim ruler. And as to your other question- I have thought of a solution- I will have someone else take my seed out of me and then give it to you by various mediums three times every day.
(Sherlyn unhappy that Kim was going to rule her Kingdom, gets upset in front of Lexter)
Lexter- Don't worry mom! You will get your Kingdom back when you give me my heir. Also, just to make you happy- I will also give you your own army unit that you can control without my orders. (Lexter knew that both his moms were hungry to get their own army and start using them to loot people off their money to fill their coffers)
Sherlyn gets a little relieved and asks further- Who is going to be the person who will give your seed to me everyday?
Lexter- That is going to be my old servant and your daughter- Shriya!
Sherlyn- Suddenly gets up from her seat in a little protest and says- O King! Please don't do this! That will scar Shriya for life! Please choose someone else....I can suggest from my Kingdom.
Lexter- (Exclaiming)- Your Kingdom?!!!!
Sherlyn- I mean, Your kingdom, my Lord.
Lexter- This is final. I will not hear another word. Say Yes or No. If No, I have no choice but to hand over your area to my mom Kim. But, if you are ready, we need to start this exercise today and right now. I have called Shriya and she is waiting outside.
Sherlyn thinks for a moment and then softly utters- "Okay, My Lord!"
Lexter claps his hands and Shriya enters the room.
Lexter- Lets get it started. Shriya- Come and open my robe!
(Shriya a little surprised by the sudden command- goes close to the King and takes her hair and pushes them to one side completely baring one of her shoulders in the pink dress. Lexter's robe jerks off with Shriya's this little action. Shriya smiles involuntarily and gently opens Lexter's robe's knot)
His 12 inch cock pops out and both Sherlyn and Shriya gasp with their breath. Shriya starts staring down at his huge cock with her hands still at her side.
Lexter- (Goes closer to her ear and whispers- "Ab Pakad bhi le isse, meri janeman"
Shriya puts her hands on the cock and his cock throbs violently at her touch. Suddenly, Lexter looks up at Sherlyn and says- Mom! You can't eat the cum directly from my cock but you can help your daughter. Come! Help her. Teach her!"
Sherlyn walks across the room and stands close to them. She puts her hands on her daughter's shoulders and pushes her down till she is on her knees and Lexter's cock touching her beautiful soft lips.
Sherlyn looks at her daughter and says- "Keep your mouth wide open and tongue out. When you feel his cock reach your throat- Try to swallow it like you swallow water. Even if it doesn't go- Keep trying to swallow it"
Saying this- She takes her daughter's hair and pushes her mouth on Lexter's cock. She rams her head on his cock while looking straight into the eyes of Lexter- This turns on Lexter immensely and he starts moving his cock inside Shriya's throat.
Sherlyn smiles seeing the King's expression as his cock was hitting the back of her daughter's throat.
Lexter- Sherlyn- Kya cheez hai tu. Aur kya cheez hai teri beti! Itni sahi se to kisi ne muh mein nahi liya aaj tak mera Lund. Isse keh na- Thoda chusse bhi to.... Lollipop hai... Nigalna hi nahi hai-- Iske maze bhi lene hai.
Sherlyn lets out a sly smile, goes to her daughter's ear and whispers something.
Suddenly, Shriya wraps her lips around Lexter's cock as she tried to swallow his cock continuously. Sherlyn keeps pushing her head from her back on Lexter's cock and Shriya keeps trying to swallow it with her throat jerk.
Lexter- Ah! Ah! AAAaaaaaahhh! Kya baat hai. Shriya- Kya muh hai tera- Kitna Garam-- Kitna soft. Thoda tongue ka bhi to use kar. He looks at Sherlyn and gives her an indication to teach her daughter how to use her tongue too.
Sherlyn- Shriya! Take your tongue out and press it between our King's cock and your lips. Roam it all around his shaft. Shake it vigorously on his cock. Swallow it more. You are not swallowing to your throat's full potential. My King!- Please take your cock out when you are about to cum. Remember, I have to eat it....
Lexter- Don't worry about that. I am almost about to cum anyways..... AAAaaaaaahhhh.......Shriya......Aur zor se chusss.....Aur zor se nigal mera Lund!
Shriyaaaaa! I am going to cum in your mouth. Mera nikalne wala hai tere muh mein. I don't want to swallow the cum. Keep it in your mouth.... I have something planned for Sherlyn to eat it in a better way.
Shriya- Oooo(muffled voice)kkkaaayy My Lord!
Lexter takes her hair in his wrists and pulls her face backwards. The cock was now half inside her mouth and Shiya was panting like a dog on his cock. He looks at Shriya's face and comes closer to her ear. As he bends, his cock again goes deep inside her throat and her eyes start to bulge due to the pressure.
Lexter- Squeeze your lips around my cock and jerk it vigorously with your mouth. Take your mother's hand and put it over my cock. Then, indicate her to jerk it with her hands. With your own hands- play with my balls! Touch them.... Squeeze them..... Scratch them with your long nails!
(He stands back up and Shriya starts following his orders. As she takes her mother's hand and keeps it over the cock- Sherlyn gets surprised and looks in Lexter's eyes)
Sherlyn- Oh Son! You need Mommy's touch?!
(Sherlyn then starts jerking his cock violently while Shriya keeps stroking it in and out of her mouth)
(After 10 minutes) Lexter- Ohhhh! Oh Mom! Oh Sis!....
Nikal gaya....Nikal gaya..... Peena mat... Muh mein rakhna hai....Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! Ye le.. Le..... Mmmmmmmmmmmhhh!
Lexter keeps cumming in Shriya's mouth for 2 minutes....
(Then, Lexter leans back on the desk behind and takes his cum dripping cock out from Shriya's mouth. Lexter then, sees it and points to Shriya to lick it clean. Shriya while keeping her cum filled mouth upright- Takes her lips and wipes off any cum left on Lexter's cock)
Lexter- Keep it in your mouth. Mix it well with your saliva. Use your tongue to stir it and mix it well. Don't even think of swallowing a single drop of it. It needs to go inside your mother. (Shriya nods at Lexter's command and her mouth starts getting bigger and bigger with all her saliva building up in her mouth with Lexter's cum)
(He then, starts tying his robe and moves out his chambers)
He sits at the dining table and both Shriya and Sherlyn also get seated at the table.
Lexter waits while the entire table gets filled by Kim, his daughters and other important people of his Kingdom. Till then, Shriya's mouth was about to explode with all the cum and saliva in her mouth. When everyone gets seated, Lexter stands up and raises his wine glass in a toast:
"To Sherlyn, my stepmom! The one who is going to give me my heir!"
Everyone: Hear! Hear! (Kim got super jealous and turns red with anger. Sherlyn enjoys Kim's reaction as she knew it would mean her immense power as she can control the future King of the entire world as her sexy mom, and that too a real one! She was already thinking of addicting him to her breast milk....)
Lexter comes out of his chair, in front of Shriya and keeps his wine glass in front of her. He then indicates her to empty her mouth in the wine glass. Shriya and Sherlyn instantly get aware what Lexter had in mind.
Everyone keeps looking shocked at Shriya's actions.
(Shriya empties the white, thick fluid of her saliva and Lexter's foul smelling cum in the wine glass. Lexter then takes the wine glass and keeps it in front of Sherlyn and says- "Here Mom! Drink from my wine glass... This is your dinner for today"
Sherlyn looks at Lexter and learn that he is damn serious. She holds the glass and keeps it with her plate. The servants then start serving everyone with the food on their plate while Sherlyn stares at the full glass filled with the thick white Lexter's cum.
Lexter- Lets begin eating!
Sherlyn- My King! My drink is a little heavy. Is it okay if i add some water to it?
Lexter- Oh Mom! Noo! You can't add water. But, i understand your concern. Wait. (Lexter then, collects all the saliva in his mouth and spits it in her wine glass. He then, mixes a little more wine in it and swirls the glass)
Lexter- There you go! Now bottoms up.
Oh, wait. (He takes out a pill and drops it in her glass)
Sherlyn- What was that pill my son?
Lexter- Oh, its something our scientists were working on for a long time. This pill restores the virginity of a woman. So that guys can enjoy a woman like a virgin again. You are the first to receive this pill. Lets test it out today, okay mom!
(Sherlyn gets scared but she couldn't do anything. She takes the wine glass and starts sipping his cum from the wine glass. Meanwhile, everyone at the table was just watching Sherlyn obey Lexter's commands and eat his cum so passionately and like a good obedient mother)
Suddenly, one of his daughters shout from the other end of the table- "I also want that Daddy!"
(Suddenly Lexter gets startled and aroused at the same time. He looks at the woman speaking in the innocent tone and sees it to be Sameera Reddy)
Lexter- Oh my daughter Sameera, you can't have it. You have to grow up to be able to drink it from your father's hose. It is not available anywhere else.
Sameera- But, I want it. I won't eat anything until i get what Sherlyn mom is drinking!
Lexter- (Thinks for a moment while everyone at the table silently watches the King making the decision as to whether to give Sameera what she wants) Then, he says- Well, you can't have your stepmom's glass. But, if you work hard, you might be able to get fresh new from here (he points at his cock)
Sameera- What is there?
Lexter- Come here and look. But, come from under the table. So that everyone else can keep enjoying their dinner and are not disturbed. Everyone- Keep eating while i satisfy the needs of my daughter. (Everyone keeps silent and starts eating their food)
(Sameera starts crawling under the table and reaches Lexter's lap. She looks at him from below the table and asks- Daddy! What is there? Where will i get what Mommy is drinking?)
Lexter- Wait my darling. (He opens his robe again and his half limp dick comes out at her face. This is the tool that you have to work on. You have to make it big and take the cum out of it to drink it fresh)
Sameera- She innocently grabs it suddenly and Lexter gets a jolting sensation. His cock gives out a giant throb and Sameera feels it. She looks at her father and Lexter indicates her to focus on it. He then goes back to eating his dinner.
(She being clueless, licks the top of his cock just for checking out what it is. The tip still had some cum left over from Shriya's work. She takes the tip of her tongue and takes out the last drop of cum sticking at the top of Lexter's cock. His cock again gives a jolt and he closes his eyes for a moment. Everyone watches him squirm in his chair but silently, keep eating their dinner)
Sameera likes the taste of his cum and she then, takes the entire cock in to squeeze it out of the cock. Lexter lets out a loud moan and says aloud- Aur zor se! Maza aa gaya Sameera! Kya muh hai..... Kitni zor se chuss liya...
Sameera takes it that her father is enjoying her mouth and says- Oh Daddy...Do you like when i put it in my mouth? Do you like when your daughter puts your cock in her mouth? (She just says that because she read that in a book in her school)
Lexter- Yes Sameera! Put it in. Don't take it out. Play with it as you like.
Sameera- Yayyy! Like a Toy! Does it move? She then, keeps her fingers around his cock and moves it up and down vigorously like trying to move a new toy! The cock skin slides up and down smoothly which amazes Sameera even more.
Lexter- (Keeps his calm and starts eating dinner and suddenly he has an idea)
He looks at her teacher Niiri Arore who was sitting at the farther end of the table and says- Well, Ms Teacher- As you haven't taught my daughter anything- Why don't you come here and help her.... I don't even know why i am paying you so much when they don't even know how to play with their King's cock!
Niiri -I am sorry, My Lord! Abhi aati hu. She comes over there and as soon as she reaches near King- Lexter takes her hand and makes her sit on his chair's arm with her back facing him. He then, stares at her bare back skin for a moment and takes a bite of his food from his plate.
Niiri- Oh My Lord! I am so sorry. I will teach better in future.
Lexter- Shut Up! Sameera- Take it in your mouth beta... Enough playing with hands... (Hearing Daddy's commands, Sameera takes it in her mouth and starts trying to swallow it. Meanwhile, Lexter takes his hand and starts squeezing her milky bare back over her blouse string and strap)
Now i remember, why i kept you as my daughters' teacher. But, maybe you require a fresh instruction on what to teach my daughters. Just look at Sameera- She doesn't even know how to handle her God's cock. If she is not able to provide for her father- What is your use? (He then, starts playing with the blouse knot of her saree)
(Kim looks at Sherlyn and indicates her to say something. Meanwhile, all the males at the table were just trying to look at Niiri and Sameera's show from the corner of their eyes while keep focussing on eating their food as they didn't have the guts to look at the King)
Lexter- Ah.... Aaaaahhhh! Aaaahhh.... Sameera.... Aaaah Sameera.....Aur zor se....Aur zor se....Thoda aur andar lo... Aur jab andar le rahi ho---To thodi der tak andar hi rakho.... Jab tak saans aana band na ho jaaye-- Tabhi milega Daddy's cum!
Sameera (taking it out)- Daddy! What is cum?
Lexter squeezes Niiri's bulging waistline hard and says- See- Because you didn't teach her that- I have to speak dirty to my daughter. Now that i am doing your job- You have to do mine. Tell me- Who should i hire for my new Minister of Sex Trade position? All the candidates are sitting here. Show me your choice by sitting in the lap of your chosen candidate.
As per Lexter's command, Niiri gets up and moves across the table. As she passes each candidate, they curse her. Last, she reaches Raj, his millitary commander. She gently puts her arm around his shoulders and swiftly places her soft ass on his lap.
Lexter- Oh, so you have chosen Raj. Raj- You are the Minister of Sex Trade for the entire world from now on. With this title, you have the power to ask any woman in this Kingdom to go serve any man that you want as well as you have the authority to fuck any woman in this Kingdom. Noone can defy your order except me. Only i will have the power to void your order.
Raj- Thanks a lot my King! (While he was very happy with the title, he wasn't able to focus on that as Niiri kept moving her ass on his lap. His cock was rock hard by now and Niiri was able to feel it. She smiled at him and winked.
(Raj unable to control his lust, stands up, and pushes Niiri on the dining table with both her hands resting on the table and her ass pointing to Raj. He then takes her saree's golden line on her back and tears it wide open)
Niiri was now standing naked waist below in front of Raj while her blouse strings hung and touched her ass. Raj then, takes those strings in his hand and pulls them with his hands. Niiri's blouse tightens and she also gets pulled back.
Raj- I am entering your asshole Niiri! Is that your first?
Niiri- Yes, my commander! Please don't enter my asshole. You can take my pussy any way you want. Please don't do it in my ass. It will pain very much!
Raj- Now, i want to enter even more! And, he hurriedly opens his metallic robe, takes out his 13 inch cock and rams into Niiri's asshole... But, still he was only able to get half of his dick in her. While Niiri screams at the top of her voice!
Niiri- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ghus hi gaya!!..... Phat gaya mera!....Oh my commander....
(Meanwhile, Lexter was focussing on Sameera and as Raj was busy with violating Niiri's asshole, Lexter peeks below the table and sees Sameera working on his dick. As she was in-experienced in this- He wasn't able to enjoy properly)
Lexter- Come up Sameera. You have much to learn yet. You can't get my cum that way right now.
Sameera- Then Daddy, how will i get it? I want it so badly.... Why only Sherlyn mom can have that...Why can't i?
(Lexter thinks for a moment and says- Okay. I have an idea for my daughter. Now, it is going to pain a little but, if you really want Daddy's cum-- You have to bear it.. Are you okay with that? And once Daddy starts, daddy won't stop. So, decide now!)
Sherlyn- No Sameera! My King!- Don't do this to your daughter. She is too young for that.
Lexter- Mom- I want you to give that wine glass to Sameera. She will drink my cum from your glass and you can complete eating it from her pussy after i spray it inside. I will always give my daughter what she wants. Understand?
Sherlyn- Yes my King (She bows her head down and hands the glass to Sameera.
Lexter almost pushes Sameera on the dining table and makes her sit with her legs wide open. He then, quickly opens her saree from her waist and puts his cock's head at her pussy. Meanwhile, Sameera takes the glass from Sherlyn and starts smelling Lexter's cum in the glass.
Sameera- Wow Daddy! This smells so good! Is this your cum? You still haven't told me what is it...
Lexter- Oh my sweet daughter- Cum is what comes out of this (points at his dick) when daddy gets really happy. Now to make daddy happy- Daddy needs to enter this hole (points at Sameera's pussy). But thats not it. For Daddy to be really happy- You need to encourage daddy.
Now as Daddy is going inside you for the first time, it is going to be painful but, you need to still encourage Daddy to keep going. Otherwise, daddy will stop and you won't be able to feel the cum inside you.
Sameera- Oh Daddy! I can feel your cum inside me? How would that happen?
Lexter- My darling- Just wait and watch- Daddy is going to shoot his load inside you and you will be able to feel each and every stroke as daddy will fill you with his thick white cummm....
Lexter- Now, shut up and start drinking!
(Sameera starts drinking Lexter's cum from the wine glass and Lexter starts entering Sameera... Lexter was feeling too much pressure as Sameera was both too young and too tight for his long 16 inch cock!)
Lexter- Beta- Now daddy is going to try a bit harder. Don't worry- Everything will be fine. And saying this- Lexter gives a giant push into Sameera's pussy.
(Sameera pussy stretches and she lets out a deep painful cry--AAaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! Dadddddyyyyy.....Noooo Nooooo Noooo......Please take it out.....Please...Please....Please..... Everyone in the room was watching Lexter enter his daughter virgin pussy without any mercy and Sameera screaming at the top of her voice)
Lexter stops for a moment for Sameera to catch a breath and tilts the wine glass in her hand into her mouth. Suddenly, her mouth gets filled with sticky white cum in the wine glass and Sameera tries hard to gulp it down the throat but it sticks all around in her mouth and she for a moment starts enjoying the taste of Lexter's cum.....
(Sameera starts moving her tongue in her cum filled mouth trying to taste every drop of it and instantly, Lexter starts stroking violently in her pussy....
Sameera--- AAaahhhh! Aaaah! Aaaahhh!....Ahhh!! Daddy.....Daddy....Daddy....
Kitna ghusaoge aur?..... Bahut dard ho raha hai- Bas aur nahi....Basss.....Basss.... Aaaahhhhh....Aaaahhhhh.....
Lexter- Oh Sameera- Here i come..... Your pussy is so tight.... I came in just 10 minutes.... What a tight chut you have... Maza hi aaaaaaaaaaa gaaayaaaa....... Mmmmmmhhhh....... Nikal gaya....Nikal gaya..... Ye le.... Apne Daddy ka cum.....(Lexter holds her back tightly and pushes his dick deep into her pussy...)
Lexter jolts cum inside Sameera..... Sameera's mouth opens up on feeling the warm cum filling her pussy..She wasn't able to say anything as she was feeling his hot cum going deep inside her and filling her completely inside....
Sameera- Daddy-- Kuch bahar nikal raha hai...
(They both look down and see Lexter's cum mixed with Sameera's blood was flowing from her pussy)
Lexter- Mom!- Drink! Don't let even one drop go to waste! Then, he takes out his half-limp cock after he had satisfactorily cummed inside his daughter. Sameera, Mom- Finish your cum! Rest of the court members- The dinner is over and you can go now.
(Everyone gets up and leave with their heads down and Sameera kept drinking Lexter's cum from the wine glass while Sherlyn was licking his cum mixed with Sameera's blood dripping from her pussy)
Lexter- Mom! When you complete this- Come in my room for the night. I have taken an injection that requires me to keep ejaculating every 2 hours. Today's night is going to be long but, hopefully- You will provide an heir to this throne.
Sherlyn- Yes my Son! I'll be right there. (She says that as she licks his cum from her pussy and was wiping off her edge of the mouth with her fingers) And BTW- Sameera was right- Your cum is delicious!
(In the night at 11:00 PM, Sherlyn knocks Lexter's bedroom door)
Lexter- Come in!
Sherlyn- Son, sorry for being this late- After i drank all the cum from Sameera's pussy- She complained of having immense pain. So, i had to stay back and give her some painkillers and put her to sleep. I still think you shouldn't have done that my King.... She is too young....
Lexter- Young is good. To tell you the truth- I can only cum in tight pussies... Only a pussy that can squeeze my cock well- pleasures me that much that i can cum... This is why my father chose you as my second mom too! Kim is hot and sexy but we Kings need tight pussies to crack our nuts and unload inside a woman.
(Sherlyn was getting embarrassed by the kinds of talk her son was doing in front of her even after she had just given him a handjob while her daughter sucked on his cock)
Sherlyn- My King! How do you want to go tonight?
Lexter- Oh mom! Tonight, I am only your Son! Your sweet little innocent son that you have played with when i was little. Only this time i will also be playing with you. So, i want a little role play from you to make your son come inside you....
Sherlyn- What do you have in mind son?
Lexter- Mom, its very simple for you. You just have to be ready to do anything for your SON! Its simple because already you are ready to do anything for your King- Now, you have to simply replace that emotion with me as your SON!
Sherlyn- So, basically, i will innocently obey all your commands? Act like a submissive girl who is doing these things because she wants to see her SON happy!
Lexter- Exactly! Now, to help you- I have had my scientists prepare an injection that will remove any inhibitions from the things that I will do to you tonight. You will not feel offended by the things that i do to you and will actually feel good that you are making your son happy.
Sherlyn- Okay. Where should i take this injection?
Lexter- I will give you the injection at any point in night like a surprise and we will start at that moment..... For this moment, we will simple sleep on the same bed together! Now, come....Sleep with me mom! (Lexter extends his arms and Sherlyn reluctantly falls in his arms and hugs him intensely)
(Lexter switches off the light for them to sleep)
(In the middle of the night- Lexter wakes up and sees his mother actually asleep. He picks up the syringe, slides her hair from her neck and injects it. Sherlyn wakes up and understands its time!)
Lexter- Oh Mom! You are so HOT! I have always wanted to sleep in the same bed with you. Come, hug your son! (Sherlyn comes closer and hugs her son with a smile....)
(First their chests crush together and then, Lexter pushes his rest of the body against her. His already half erect cock starts brushing against her soft belly. She then starts moving her belly round and round to tease his cock more)
Lexter- Oh Mom! Kya mast khushbu hai.... Aisa lag raha hai kisi pari ki baahon mein leta hu! (He then takes his hands and inserts them in her armpits. He starts grazing her entire body on her side from top to bottom-- Ahhh! Mummmmmy... Kya mast BODY hai aapki.... Aaaaaahh! Mazaa hi aa gaya...
Sherlyn- Oh Son! It is my pleasure that you have chosen my body to give you an heir! I am ready to do anything. (She then holds her son's face in her hands and looks at him intently. Lexter stares at her lips continuously and pounces at them like a hungry lion. He first takes her lower lip in his mouth and sucks at it like a mad dog. Then he inserts his tongue in her mouth and starts playing with her tongue)
Lexter- Mom- Talk dirty to me please! I can't enjoy until you say dirty things that i can do to you. I really want you to tell me what horrible things i can do to you.
Sherlyn- Oh Son! You can do anything to me- Tonight i am yours... Come on Son... Enter inside Mommy..... Your Mommy has waited so long for you to grow up and finally be able to enter inside her. Now, don't make your mommy wait anymore....
(Sherlyn holds the tip of Lexter's cock and pushes it at the entrance of her pussy. Lexter wasn't able to recover from his mommy's touch and just lost himself in her... He hugged her tightly while she carefully kept his cock's head on her pussy and whispers in Lexter's ears:
Come on Son... Push, Push my darling.... GO INSIDE.
(Lexter starts entering Sherlyn's pussy while screaming at the top of his voice... Mommmm!!! Mommmmyyy..... Mommmm...... Aaaaaaahhhh.... Hottt.... Your pussy is so tight and hott.... Its squeezing my cock..... Mommmyyy.....Aaaahhh)
He slowly enters fully inside Sherlyn and both look into each other's eyes and stay there for 5 seconds with Lexter's cock buried deep inside Sherlyn's pussy.... Then, Sherlyn smiles at Lexter's and nods her head in a super slutty way... Like saying:
"Chal ab start ho jaa aur apni maa ko fir se maa bana de. Jab se tere papa guzre hai, teri bhukh lagi rahi.... Aaj shant kar de apni maa ki iss pyaas ko.... Bas ab maze kar apni maa ki chut mein..."
Lexter starts drilling her pussy up and down while squeezing her body against his and moving his hips vigorously to fuck his mother.... Sherlyn was moaning louder and louder... Aaaaahhh.... MY KING...... MY SON!!!! YESSS...... Come on... Aur zor se.... Aur zor se.... Maza aa raha hai na apni Maa ki chut mein.... Kitne saalo se wait kiya tha iss pal ka... Finally you are inside me... Where you belong...
Lexter keeps pumping her pussy and crying... Aaaaah... Mommmyyy.... Aaaahhh... Aaaaahhh.. OOOooooohh.... Kya chut hai.... Bahut garam hai.... Bahut sakht hai.... Aisa lag raha hai jaise jannat mein aa gaya hu.... Aaaaaahhhhh.....
Suddenly, Lexter claps his hands and a young boy enters their bedroom... Lexter doesn't stop fucking her pussy.. He releases his grip from her body and whispers in her ears "Surprise!"
Sherlyn while panting heavilyy.... asks... "MMMmyyyy Kinnggg... Whhhoo is he?"
Lexter- (Slows down his fucking speed a little and says)- His name is Abhi. He is the son of the resistance leader of the last stronghold against my global rule. He saw you once when you were ruling Kingdom of MILF and passing by a market street the purple Bra that i bought you. He wanted to fuck you since then- And we agreed to a truce...
Sherlyn (pushes Lexter a little)- But, Son... Why?... How?... I can't... I won't. But, suddenly the effect of the injection kicks in and her resistance starts to fade out. She suddenly says- "Welcome Abhi.. Come... Today, My Son's command is my wish. Come here... Come to Mommy"
Abhi jumps on the bed from behind Sherlyn as she faced Lexter and the King increased his speed in her pussy yet again.... Lexter again hugs Sherlyn tightly and squeezes her with both his arms around her back and one of his knees on her side and his hips vibrating in and out of her pussy vigorously....
(Lexter notices Abhi unable to force his entry into Sherlyn and removes his leg from Sherlyn and carefully spreads her ass cheeks apart with both his hands)
Abhi understood what Lexter meant and he takes his robe out and his 8 inch fully erect cock pops out. He pounces on Sherlyn from behind and positions his cock on her asshole...
Sherlyn- Son, Not my ass... You can take my ass... Not him...
Lexter- This is your Son's orders Mom... OBEY! (The Injection kicks in again and Sherlyn's resistance again diminishes. As soon as Sherlyn realises that she is going to be the mother of the Future King with this night's surrender, she wraps one of her arms around her Son and hugs her tightly.... She then, turns her face back and kisses Abhi on his lips and her other hand grabs Abhi's ass and pushes his dick inside her asshole.....
(She screams Aaaaaaaaahhhhh....... inside Abhi's mouth and Abhi saw her eyeballs rolled on backside due to pain)
(Meanwhile, Lexter was getting super excited in seeing his mom getting rammed in her asshole by another guy. He never imagined sharing and watching his mom fuck with another man along with him would give so much pleasure....)
Abhi- My King, I want to go faster. Can i do that to your mom?
Lexter- Abhi, she is your mom now too. You can ask her directly. I'm sure she will understand that it is in her best interest to pleasure her both sons to the full extent. (All the while Sherlyn was looking at Lexter while he subtly gave her clues to pleasure Abhi to the fullest)
Abhi- Thank You my King. Then, he turns to Sherlyn who was writhing continuously from Lexter and Abhi still fucking her both holes- Aaahhhh.... Mommmm,..... Kya main aur andar ghusa du apna Lund? Aapki gaand bahut.....Aaaaahhhhh.... (Abhi dheere dheere apne lund ko Sherlyn ki gaand mein ghusa raha tha..... Till now he was only able to get his tip of the penis inside)
Abhi- Aapki gaand bahut zyada tight hai.. Mere lund ko andar jaane hi nahi de rahi... Mujhe aur zor lagane do na.... Aaapkkiii.... Aaaaahhhh...uuuufffff... gaand ka theek se maza lena hai....
Pleaaasssseee Momm! Pppllll....... Aaaahhhh...eeeaassse...
(Sherlyn takes her hands and keeps them on Abhi' ass.... And pushes them inside her asshoollee...)
Sherlyn- Aaaawwww... Mera beta... Mera pyaara beta.... You never have to ask your mother of anything you want. You just have to order. Aur.... Aaaaahhhh.... (Abhi pushes into her asshole slowly and slowly).... Tumko khushi dena hi to mera pehla kaam haii....
Vaise bhi tum dono kuch galat thodi hi na kar rahe ho... Wahi to wapas ghusna chah rahe ho- Jaha se aaye the (English Translation- You both aren't doing anything wrong- You are just entering inside from where you came)
(Both of them get harder listening to Sherlyn's words and overcame by extreme lust for their mother- Abhi puts his right hand over Sherlyn's mouth, his left hand around her naked waist as he clenched her full waist with his arm and says- So, you won't mind me doing thiss.... )
He then, with one stroke, fully inserts his cock inside her assholle...
Sherlyn screams on top of her voice but, he doesn't remove his hand and her cries get muffled. But, Lexter takes Abhi's hand from her mouth and removes it and says- I want to hear my mom's cries, Abhi)
Sherlyn starts wailing at the top of her voice and hearing this, Lexter also gets filled with devillish lust and starts pumping her pussy hard with his cock...
They both start moving fast and aggressive in and out of her pussy and asshole.... And she kept screaming....Ohhhh.....My sonnnssss..... Ahh... Aahhhh... Aahhh... Ahhh....Ahhh... Aaahhhh... Bas... Bas ab....Aaaahhh... Aahhh... Bas ab chod do apna maal mere andarr..... Chod do... Basss... Aaahh.. Aaahhh...
They both looked at each other and then, at Sherlyn-- She understands that its time to receive the King's seed. Suddenly she thinks that if Abhi cums inside her asshole, someone might question in future that it is not King's son...
So, Sherlyn says-- Abhi, my sweet son... Mujhe tumhara paani peena hai... Apni mom ko apna virya pilado please...
Abhi takes his cock out of her asshole and comes near her head... He was about to go in her mouth when she stops him and says to Lexter' "My King, you are my lord, my God first and then, my son- So, even if its incest, even if it will defame me, I welcome your semen in myself. Aap ab mere andar apna paani nikal do. Bas rukna nahi.... Chodhte jaana jab tak man kare...
(And she gulps Abhi's dick and starts deepthroating him)
Lexter goes crazy hearing deepthroating noises from Abhi's dick and he starts fucking Sherlyn at full speed. In about 5 minutes, Lexter edges near orgasm and spills his thick cum inside his mom's pussy. He hugs her tightly, thrusting his face in her boobs while he goes on and on cumming inside her pussy..... Sherlyn's mouth also opens up in ecstasy and Abhi seeing his opening, starts cumming in her mouth....
Lexter's eyes were barely open as he kept unloading his cum inside his mother while tightly clenching her entire body with his arms wrapped around her naked back and his face buried in her cleavage..... Abhi was holding her hair and spraying his seed in her mouth....
Sherlyn was openly receiving his gift with an open mouth... But, as Abhi saw her mouth filling up with his hot thick white cum, he started growing this urge for her her to eat his cum.... So, he asks Sherlyn-
"Mummyy..... Aapne to kaha tha ki aap mera virya piyogi... Chalo... Ab peeyo naaa.... Muh mein mat rakho.... Abhi hai mere paasss... BAHUTTT.......AAAaaaahhhhh.... (And he keeps spurting out ropes and ropes of cum in her mouth.....
Sherlyn was still not closing her mouth and Lexter notices that while still pumping her womb with his cumm... and says- "Mom, Obey your son! Drink it!"
Sherlyn then, starts gulping the thick cum in her mouth and seeing that, Lexter starts pumping her with long deep strokes in her pussy and she can almost feel his cumm entering her deeper and deeper....
After about 10 minutes of constant cumm.. Both her sons stop and take their cocks out of her holes... Sherlyn was very tired of the fucking session and she just kept lying there with cum dripping from her pussy as well as her mouth...Like a proper mom who has pleasured her sons....
Lexter- Abhi, now quash the rebellion. Have your men join my army and serve under me...
Abhi- Yes, my King!
After a few years, Lexter's son grew up but, he wasn't that able or cunning as his father. In fact, he was a puppet in his father's hands and was simply addicted to alcohol and women... Lexter was also happy with this arrangement as he now ruled from the comfort of his throne as his son basically blindly obeyed his orders without any questions....
Lexter one day, sent his son on a quest to marry five women of his choice and come back straight to Castle with them. He knew his son had a very great eye for sexy, raunchy women and it would end up helping him....
But, women also saw his as an instrument to get to the King as every women in the world knew that after each sex, King used to grant one wish, whatever be it... But, Everyone also knew that King only liked Incestuous Taboo Sex which was only possible to enter the King's family which was highly difficult....
But, women also saw his as an instrument to get to the King as every women in the world knew that after each sex, King used to grant one wish, whatever be it... But, Everyone also knew that King only liked Incestuous Taboo Sex which was only possible to enter the King's family which was highly difficult....
King's son chooses ten most beautiful brides-to-be:
1. Khloe Kardashian
2. Kylie Jenner
3. Katrina Kaif
4. Deepika Padukone
5. Rakul Preet Singh
6. Zaira Nara
7. Eva Mendes
8. Jessica Alba
9. Megan Fox
10. Gemma Arterton
As soon as he marries the ten chosen women, he returns to the castle and on the night of his return, he was very tired and went directly to bed.... But, his brides were still in no mood to sleep and were already trying to figure a way to get in bed with the King...
Suddenly, at 10 in the night, Khloe Kardashian gets out of her room and finds her way to the Kitchen of the castle and starts making a sandwich. She was very hungry as she was very tired of her long journey.
Lexter comes in (he was roaming around the castle as he wasn't able to sleep due to some unrest in one of his countries and his army out for war to curb some robbers in that country) and he sees Khloe making a sandwich in a sexy dress...
Lexter- Oh, so you are one of the brides my son married, correct?
Khloe gets startled by seeing "THE KING" behind her and drops to her knees in respect. Then, Khloe bows down her head and says- "Oh, My King!" What a pleasure to meet you finally. Yes, Sasurji... I am your new daughter-in-law... Aap mujhe Khloe bula sakte hai.....
Lexter- Okay, Khloe... What are you doing up so late?
(Khloe doesn't get up and with her head still down, answers to Lexter- "My Lord, my sweet God... I was just making a sandwich as i was hungry.. Sorry if i wake you"
Lexter-- No, no.. You didn't. My armies are out for war and I am tensed and hence, was just roaming in the castle... But, please get up bahu... I am your Sasur, and you should not bow in front of me.. We are family now! Lexter saying this, comes closer to Khloe and lifts her up with his hands and hugs her lightly like a good Sasur would hug his daughter-in-law...
Khloe sees her opportunity and crushes herself into King's body with both her arms wrapped around him and her boobs pressed against his bare chest under his loose robe....
Lexter doesn't understand the meaning of her such tight hug but, he couldn't resist as he was getting intoxicated by her Jasmine smell and starts feeling up her body by caressing lightly with his hands on her entire body, from her waist to her back and then, swiftly he takes his hands and rests them at her tight huge asss...
Lexter- Oh, Bahu! Ab pata chala ki mere bete ne tujhme kya dekha...Your ass is very nice.. I must say... Better than any i have ever touched. I wish i would have married you so that I can squeeze it with my hands.... Par ab to tum meri bahu ho, Tumhari gaand nahi daba sakta...
Khloe loosens her grip around the King and goes a little back so that the King was able to look properly at her loose blue dress and her thigh getting exposed from a slit in her dress.
Then, she looks him in the eye and said: "Sasurji, in my family, it is the tradition that the father-in-law has a greater domination over his Bahu than her husband. Toh jo kuch ek aurat ka husband kar sakta hai, Uska Sasur wo sab kuch aur zyada bhi kar sakta hai"
Lexter: Matlab? Main tumhari gaand daba sakta hu kya?
Khloe: Sasurji...! (She seductively comes forward, takes the King's hands in her soft hands and places them on her ass. Then, she grazes her hands on his thin satin robe all the way to the to his shoulders and keeps them around his neck)
Khloe: "You can do whatever you want with it. Daba bhi sakte ho aur maar bhi sakte ho". But, in our culture, there is a condition to which every father-in-law has to comply to establish his dominance over his daughter-in-law. He has to agree to whatever his bahu says one day in a year.
Lexter starts thinking for few minutes on whether to take up on the offer. His hands are still resting on top of her ass and he starts gently sweeping them over her soft blue silk gown. Khloe starts smiling as the King thinks about the offer while caressing his bahu's butt.
Lexter- Can i try it once before saying Yes?
Khloe: Hmmm... There is no rule in our tradition against giving a taste to your Sasur before he can commit. Okay Sasurji. You can grab it... But, THREE TIMES ONLY.
Lexter then, using his cunning mind takes his hands to her front and inserts them inside her silky gown from a slit over her thighs. (Khloe looks at him with a sly smile as she whispers in his ear- "My sweet clever Sasurji. That is why you are KING"
He then, inserts another hand from her slit and moves them back to her hot tight ass... As soon as he touches the soft skin of his bahu's tight asss, a jolt of electricity runs through him and his 12 inch cock becomes erect and starts poking from his loose robe.
Khloe's dress had risen up a little as both his hands were inside her gown and resting on her milky ass...She was very close to Lexter and her breath was falling on the King's lips. She looked him in the eyes as he roamed his hands on her naked butt. She then, takes one of her hand and slowly opens up the knot of Lexter's robe....
She takes her hands off as the knot opens and his cock springs up from between his robe. She takes her left hand and keeps it behind King's neck and starts caressing the back of his neck.. With her right hand she starts gently scratching Lexter's chest with her fingernails as she moved her hand all over his chest....
As Lexter drew closer and closer to press her butt with his hands, he was thinking that he would only get three times before he has to make the decision... (Lexter thought to himself- She can do a lot in one day if i give in her wish but, uffff.... Iski gaand... Itni sakht hai... Jaise pakad ke dabane ke liye hi bani hoo.... Man to kar raha hai, ki daba daba ke lal kar du iski gaand ko....
Khloe remembered her dad's words: When you want someone to give in, give it for free... She then, takes her right hand and puts it on Lexter's hard cock, she first touches it with her index finger.. She circles his cock with it and moves all the way up to bottom and then, grabs it.... She opens up her mouth like she just grabbed something huge and says-- Oh Daddy... What a cock! Its even bigger than my real dad... You truly deserve to be a KING!
She then comes closer to him and says- "Ab daba bhi do Sasurji... Aapki bahu ki gaaand hai.. Aapke bete se pehle aapko dabane ko mil rahi hai... Chalo, ek bonus mein free deti hu.. Ek baar Daba lo.....Fir teen ki ginti shuru karte hai.."
(As soon as Lexter hears it, he grabs her asss with his full force... It wasn't coming completely in his big manly hands and he pressed it so hard that Khloe shifted closer to him and his cock was now smacked between him and her soft dress with her hand wrapped around it....)
Khloe-- Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh! Dabao Sasurji... Aur zor se dabaoo.... Aapke liye hi to taiyaar ki thi ye gaand.. Come on Sasurji... Don't think.....
Lexter, overcome by his lust for his daughter-in-law starts grabbing her ass violently... She also, pushes his lips on hers and starts kissing him intensely and with her right hand starts stroking his cock fast..
In about 2 mins, she pushes the King and his hands stop...
Khloe- Thats it my King.. Its been a lot more than 3 times. Now you have to decide...
Lexter was getting out of control with her hand still grabbing his pulsating cock and his hands resting on her ass but unable to grab it... With desperation, he flips Khloe such that her ass was facing him and he says- Whatever you say, will happen... But, don't stop me right now...
Khloe- Yes, my King. I'm all yours.....
(But, Lexter didn't even listen to what she said and hurriedly took off her robe... And exposed her tight ass in her underwear which was doing a poor job in hiding her ample soft ass... He pushes Khloe from behind against the kitchen slab and her both hands rest on the slab. He then inserts all his four fingers inside the underwear, feeling her soft skin and pushes it down her legs..)
Lexter- Oh, Bahu... You've made your Sasur very happy... Now, make his cock happy too.. Now i want you to do something for me... Make your hole tighter for me... Mere Lund ko theek se bheechna apni chut se.....Agar ache se nahi bhicha mera Lund to kuch nahi dunga tujhe Bahu... Isliye yaad rakh... Jitna ho sake, utna bheech de...
Lexter positions his cock at her pussy and gets ready to insert his tool inside her by rubbing his cock's tip on her pussy lips.....when suddenly, Khloe takes a mouthful of spit on her fingers and takes her hand back and holds Lexter's cock with a soft grip...
Khloe turns her head around and sees her Sasur confused as to why did she stop him and she could see the growing anger and impatient in his eyes... So, she immediately blurts out-- "Sasurji, gaand mein daalo na... (Fir wo apne Sasur ke Lund ko apni gaand ke muh par rakh deti hai) Isme theek se bhichega aapka Lund..."
Hearing this, Lexter gets very excited and says- "Aaahhh Bahu... Kya baat hai... Ye hui na achi aurat waali baat... Aurat ho to tere jaisi...Pehle kabhi gaand mein chudwaya hai?
Khloe: Nahi, par aapke jaisa Lund bhi to nahi mila aaj tak.. Aapke bete ka to pehle din dekh kar hi aisa laga ki isko apni gaand nahi deni hai... Fir aapke Lund ki bahut charcha suni thi...So, socha aapke bete se shaadi kar ke, aapko hi apni gaand mein ghuswaungi.....
Lexter- Arre bahu, tumhari gaand itni moti aur mulayam hai,.....UFFFF (Lexter then, moves his hands on her big round asss and spanks it hard with his right hand... Khloe screams-- Aaaaahhhhh!!!)
Lexter- Kya baat hai... Thodi gaand lal kar de?!....
(He then starts beating up Khloe's ass mercilessly while still rubbing his cock's tip on her asshole.... Once he gets his entire right cheek red, he moves on to the left.. With each spank, Khloe used to scream loudly... When suddenly they hear a noise of someone walking to the Kitchen....)
Khloe: My King, Someone is coming here.... If somebody will see us, what will happen? (And she starts to get up from the table she was crouched upon when Lexter holds her neck and pushes it down again...)
Lexter- Don't move from this position. I don't care whoever sees us... And he keeps on rubbing her ass with his palm while smacking her once in a while to make a loud noise from her ass cheek... (Khloe also, couldn't disobey her Sasur as in her culture, if a woman who defies her Sasur after he has agreed to grant her wish, is condemned and she is declared divorced)
Suddenly, a voice comes from a little far from the staircase: "Who is in the Kitchen?" (Lexter recognises the voice and says- Ooooohh!! That is my daughter Jacqueline... And she hasn't started her sex and pleasure tutorials yet... We need to hide my cock....
Lexter in full control, takes Khloe's waist and pulls her backward. Then, he sits against the table. He ties his robe but, Khloe looks him in the eye and passes a sly smile. She then, unties Lexter's robe's knot again and his cock springs up...
Lexter- What are you doing? I told you na... We need to hide my cock...
Khloe (keeps her both hands on the back of his neck and comes very close to him so that he was able to see her juicy lips up close)- Sasurji... Aapki beti aapke maze ke liye hi to hai... Agar aap maza nahi kar paa rahe ho uske saath, to uska kya kaam.... Aur jaha tak classes ki baat hai, to main bhi to virgin hi hu...Mujhe chudta dekh kar ache se samajh jayegi... Ki kya karna hai usse...
Khloe still sees worry in her Sasurji's eyes and says- Okay, if you say so... Lets do this... Khloe turns her back towards Lexter and places her asshole on her 13 inch erect cock tip... But, Khloe says- Sasurji, abhi time nahi hai... Gaand fir kabhi maar lena... Usme zyada time lag jayega... Abhi chut mein ghusa lo....
That makes sense to Lexter and he moves his cock's tip to Khloe's pussy instead. The pussy heat falls on his penis's tip and turns Lexter on so much that he grabs Khloe's waist and pushes her back towards his cock...
Lexter- Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh...... Theeeekk haii Bahuu... Aaajaaa... Baith jaaa mere Lund par.... Kya garam chut hai teri... Aisa lag raha hai tere baap ne shaant nahi ki... Aaaaaaaahhhhh..... Aaaajjjaaa... Jaldi ghusa le mera.... See, my daughter is coming....
Lexter tries to push his cock in slowly but her pussy being too tight, wasn't letting it in.... Then, they both see Jacqueline appearing from the shadows, nearing towards Kitchen.. So, Khloe says- I'm going to kiss you Sasurji and you push your cock hard in my pussy... I will scream in your mouth but, don't stop... No matter how much i scream or how much i push you back... Keep ramming it in my pussy...
Lexter fills with lust hearing his Bahu's words and instantly puts his lips on hers... Khloe starts kissing him back. She sucks at his mouth with her juicy big lips. Then, she takes her tongue and pushes it in his mouth. It collides with his tongue and Lexter could feel her warm tongue and sweet saliva mixing with his...
Lexter gets lost in the kiss when she takes his hand and keeps it behind her neck and then, starts pushing herself on his cock, the tip of which was almost inside her pussy... Suddenly her pussy heat falling on his cock brings Lexter to his senses and he holds his cock and moves its tip a little inside her pussy.
He then takes his hands and wraps them around Khloe's waist tightly. He then starts squeezing her with his strong arms and his cock starts penetrating her tight pussy... They were still kissing passionately and didn't realise that Jacqueline was almost at the door of the Kitchen when she calls out Lexter- "Dad, is that you?"
Lexter panics and in a hurry, grabs Khloe's waist tightly and in one stroke, inserts almost full cock inside her pussy... In extreme pain, Khloe screams.. Aaahh.....Aaahhh..... Aaahhh....Aaaahhh.... Aaahhh... Umppfff....Ummpffff..... but, her sound was muffled by Lexter holding his neck from behind and pushed his mouth into his.
He then releases her lips and says- Now, act normal... (And he covers her thighs with her dress and there he was sitting on the Kitchen table with Khloe sitting on his cock and directly in front of him, giving a look like she is simply sitting in her Sasur's lap)
Lexter- Hello my sweet daughter. What are you doing up so late?
Jacqueline- I couldn't sleep Dad... I was getting restless...I wanted to see you today but, Shriya said that you are busy with something and couldn't meet me.... I felt very bad but, then i remember that you are our GOD and you would be having a lot of people wanting to see you and worship you... So, I went back to my room....
Lexter (With no consideration of her daughter's words, he was lost in Khloe's hot pussy wrapped around his cock and he was getting desperate to fuck her properly...So, he holds her waist in front of his daughter and starts to move inside her... Jacqueline suspects that something is up and asks- Dad! Are you listening to me?)
Lexter was busy enjoying Khloe's hot hot pussy on his cock and suddenly Khloe squeezes his hand and he looks at her. Khloe- Sasurji, your daughter is saying something..... (She was having a sly smile thinking how much the King of the world is enjoying her and feeling like she controls the King and Lexter snaps out of the trance and blurts out-
Lexter- "What do you want Jacqueline? Go and sleep.
Jacqueline gets hurt and says- Dad! I thought I was your favourite daughter... Why are you not paying attention to me?
Lexter- Because I want to be left alone with your sister-in-law right now. So, go! Go to sleep and we will talk tomorrow when i am free... And Lexter again starts moving his cock in Khloe's pussy without even looking at tears in Jacqueline's eyes....
Jacqueline (sobbing)- What are you doing with Bhabhi anyways? Why is she sitting in your lap... (And seeing how much attention King was giving to Khloe, Jacqueline thought that sitting in Dad's lap would make him pay attention to her too... and so, she says with utmost innocence)- I want to sit in your lap too! Why only bhabhi gets to sit in your lap?
Lexter- Because you are too young to sit in my lap for now.. So, go to your room and leave us alone... To which Jacqueline says- Please please please Dad!!! I heard, you gave Sameera what she wanted- Now its my turn! Please Dad... Please, please....And she starts squirming and begging.....
That catches Khloe's attention as an opportunity to please her Sasur and get her lucky days increased to twice a year.... and she whispers in Lexter's ears- "Sasurji, it is a good time to teach her how to pleasure her GOD.... She should know what it means to sit in the King's lap and have his full attention....
Listening to his bahu talk about his daughter that way and the thought of Khloe teaching Jacqueline how to pleasure him, takes over him completely and his cock throbs and throbs at the mere thought of it.... Khloe feels it in her pussy and lets out a smile.. Then, she says-- So, i should consider it as "YES"
Lexter- Okay okay okay... But, Khloe will show you how to sit on my lap properly... You have to follow Khloe's instructions obediently....And don't resist to anything that Khloe does to you.. If you're up for it, then, okay.... You can sit on your father's lap...
Jacqueline- Yesss Daddd!... I AM READY.. (Lexter thinks- Oh Jacqueline- You are far from ready but, thats what makes it so exciting...) Bhabhi, tell me what to do.... I AM YOUR SLAVE.... Whatever you tell me to do, I will do it as long as I get to sit in Dad's lap today...
Khloe stands up and releasing Lexter's hard erect cock in the air for Jacqueline to see. Jacqueline sees it and gasps. She takes a step back but, Khloe holds her hand and brings her closer to Lexter and his 13 inch cock springing in the air... Now, Jacqueline was standing so close that the cock was almost hitting her belly as Lexter kept sitting on the Kitchen desk...
Jacqueline didn't take her eyes off of it and keeps looking at it with her eyes stuck looking below as it throbbed and throbbed, hitting her belly...
Khloe- Jacqueline, this is called a cock generally but, because your father is our GOD, women in this world call your father's cock as "our Lord". (Khloe takes her hand and cups Lexter's cock and starts waving it while explaining Jacqueline) We worship it like we worship our GOD, your father.... and it is considered salvation to even see it, let alone touch it or take it inside us...
Jacqueline- How do we take it inside us?
Khloe- Great question...
Our GOD when made us, gave us three holes to put his cock inside us...There is your mouth and the other two are there... (Khloe points at Jacqueline's crotch) So, when you say, you want to sit in our GOD's lap... You have to follow these steps:
Step-1: Ask our GOD whether you can sit in his lap...
Step-2: If he says "Yes", you can take our Lord out.. Sometimes, it isn't that big and it is then your duty to get it to full size...
(Jacqueline stops Khloe in the middle: And how do we get it to full size?)
Khloe- Do not interrupt me again but, you can ask for our GOD's help to let our Lord unfold fully and our King will tell us what we need to do... But, when our King is in public and can't instruct us exactly what to do, you can use a foolproof method of using your mouth....
Lexter- Show her bahu! (And lexter, leans back on the Kitchen table, rising his swinging cock towards Khloe and Jacqueline)
Khloe: Yes my dear Sasurji....
Jacqueline, these are our King's balls... (Khloe grabs them with her left hand and they were so big that she was barely able to hold both of them in her one, she asks Jacqueline for help)- Come on, hold them with me... But, remember, these are our world's scared jewels... So, hold them with utmost care...
Jacqueline takes her hand forward and first rubs it over them.. And then, Khloe takes her palm and places it just below hers and then, removes her hand so that Lexter's balls were now resting on Jacqueline hands....
Khloe- Now this is where our GOD's milk is stored. Our GOD's milk has the power to reduce our age by half and make us young again... But, that only happens when our King is fully satisfied with us and agrees to give us his milk in return... So, it is upon you whether you are able to squeeze it out of our Lord....
Jacqueline keeps staring at his big big balls and starts to gently caress them in her hands. She was like on autopilot as she suddenly collects a mouthful of saliva in her mouth and spits on Lexter's balls. They become wet with Jacqueline's saliva and she keeps rubbing them while constantly staring at them....
Khloe was dumbstruck with Jacqueline's actions when suddenly Lexter slaps her ass tightly...Jacqueline stops for a moment to see Khloe's face and she sees Khloe looking at the King with tears in her eyes due to the pain running through her ass...
Lexter- Bahu, what are you doing standing? Show my daughter how to handle my cock as well.
Khloe- Yes Sasurji... (Meanwhile, Jacqueline was busy staring at Lexter's huge balls and how they were getting hotter and hotter in her hands.... Khloe taps on Jacqueline's shoulders to gain her attention and says- "Jackie, look- This is the most important part... Now, you take our Lord in your mouth and just suck on it like a lollipop...
(Khloe then takes Lexter's cock in her mouth and starts giving him a blowjob... Lexter leans back and starts moaning- "Aaaahhh....Aaaahhh....Sssss....Aaaaaaa........Baaahhhuuuu......Aur zor se....Aur tezi se......Thodi tongue zyada.... Aaaaaaahhh.......Sssss...... You are a goddess Bahu....A sex goddess...."
Lexter- Come on, you can do harder than that.... Come on....(He then takes both his hands, grabs Khloe's hair in his wrists and starts thumping her head on his cock....) He then looks to Jacqueline who was staring at Khloe's head on her father's cock with her mouth open in amazement.... and says- "My darling, are you learning how to get a chance to sit in your GOD's lap?"
Jacqueline- Yes..(clears throat)- Yes, daddy.... But, is it just Bhabhi's mouth that can do this to our Lord? Or i can do it too?
Lexter- Ofcourse, you can do it... But, it will need a little practice first. Right now, your GOD wants his Bahu's mouth but, next time, when we see each other, I will definitely put my cock in my sweet daughter's mouth.... For now, Khloe--- Suck, suck, suck.... Suck it hard.... Zor se bheech de apne muh mein.....
After 30 mins, Lexter was close to cumming when he suddenly says- Lets complete Jacqueline's lesson on how to sit in her father's lap. (Khloe stops and takes his cock (red and hot) out of her mouth and re-does her hair)
Lexter- Come on, quick.
Khloe- Right. Jackie, the third step is to ask our GOD in which hole does he want to put our Lord in us and then, say- "As you want my King!"
Jacqueline turns to Lexter whose cock was throbbing continuously due to Khloe's mouth... and says- Dadddy, which hole do you want?
Lexter- I will choose myself. And smiles in a sly manner...
Jacqueline- As you want my King... And she turns around with her ass towards the King...(Suddenly she feels Lexter's hands grabbing her bare waist and him quickly unwrapping his present from the light blue sareee.... Jacqueline had simply given away to her daddy's actions and was simply following whatever he was doing...
Before long, Lexter had taken out her saree from her petty-coat from behind and puts his hot throbbing cock against her ass... and inserts it inside her saree.... The first hole it finds was her asshole and he says- My daughter, I found a hole... Now, it will pain a bit at first but, don't worry- Its all a service to your GOD and father...
Jacqueline- Yes, my King... (And Lexter hurriedly starts pushing his cock in her asshole)
Jacqueline starts screaming and pushing her daddy as he keeps on inserting his cock in her... She starts screaming and trying to get out of her father's grip but Lexter was holding her tightly.. He says- Bas ho gaya... Bas ho gaya.....Thoda aur andar daalne de, Please.... Thoda aaauurr.. And he gives one more push and half his cock goes inside her....
Jacqueline starts screaming but, Khloe keeps her mouth over hers and muffles her cries... Lexter sees the opportunity and grabs Jacqueline's waist hard... puts one hand at the back of Khloe's head pushing her lips deep into Jacqueline's and gives one last push inside her.... Her eyes roll back in pain and tears start flowing from her eyes. She screams and screams in Khloe's mouth and Lexter moans- Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, Chala gaya pura.... Bahut garam gaand hai meri beti ki toh... Meri pyaari beti....
Khloe releases her and she falls back on her father. Lexter embraces her from behind while his cock still deep inside her asshole....
Jacqueline- Dadddyyyy (Her voice was shaking)--- Why did you do this to me?
Khloe- Now you know, what it takes to sit in your GOD's lap. Thats why not everyone is given the honor to do so... But, he has blessed you with this... Now, make your GOD enjoy!
Lexter starts moving up and down in her ass now and Jacqueline starts shouting- Aah, aaah,, aaah, aaah, aaah... with each push by King. After 10 mins, he starts to speed up his strokes and says-- Here, take your milk- Because, this is your first time, I am giving it to you.
As Jacqueline feels Lexter's cum spreading all inside her asshole, she started feeling that she is getting younger and younger- Her face started to glow and her boobs and ass became more firm and perfect.... While she was just gripped in her daddy's arms and he had buried his face in his daughter's back while Jacqueline's mouth was still open in amazement of powers in her father's cum.
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ReplyDeleteWhere is commander
ReplyDeleteBro write story long and big
bro write story more
ReplyDeletegive update i am waiting for this story from many days
where was you
Great update bro please give update of kim
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ReplyDeleteBro write on kim
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ReplyDeleteLexter bro what haooen update the story
ReplyDeleteAahhhhh great update bro please give update on kim with me
ReplyDeletegive big updates
ReplyDeleteLexter Bro please give long and big update please
ReplyDeleteSuperb update
ReplyDeleteWrite on kim and please give long and big update
ReplyDeleteAaahhh great nice update
ReplyDeleteAwesome update
ReplyDeleteWhat happen bri give update pls